- Can they shape public opinion? 他们能左右舆论吗?
- What can they singularly and together tell us about public opinion? 在讨论民意时他们有什么单项和整体的创见?
- PR is a means of getting attention and shaping public opinion. 公共关系是获得注意,以及影响公众观点的方法。
- A recent questionnaire suggests that mass media shape public opinions on current events. 近期的一次问卷调查表明,大众媒介左右着公众对时事的看法。
- An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion. 一个正直的法官不能一味顺从舆论。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- Can they make the food hand out till next pay day? 他们能把食物维持到下次发工资那天吗?
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- How can they make me catcher just because I am big? 他们怎么可以因为我块头大,就要我当捕手?
- He cares not a whit for public opinion. 他对舆论毫不关心。
- Public opinion was opposed to the war. 舆论是反对那场战争的。
- Public opinion has polarized on this issue. 在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化。
- They also agree that it can be very difficult to change public opinion. 他们也认为改变舆论是很困难的。
- Things cannot go worse than that at the worst, can they? 事情不会比这更糟吧。
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 舆论的严厉指责迫使他辞职。
- I suppose it all depends on how they shape. 我以为这都要看他们踢得怎样了。
- Can they finish this before the deadline? 他们能不能在最後期限之前完成这项工作?
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。
- He maintained his stand in the teeth of public opinion. 他不顾公众舆论的反对而坚持自己的立场。
- So how can they sleep and not drown? 那么它们是怎么睡觉而不会溺死呢?